Edward Watson




Welcome to my mini website.  I'm Edward Watson, otherwise know as Teddy or Ted



Its purpose is to direct you to some of my activities and interests


British Exploring Society, of which I am Chairman, is a charity that was established by one of Scott's fellow Antarctic explorers in 1932 to develop the young through exploration. We unlock their potential.


University of Oxford, Saïd Business School.  As an Associate Fellow and Sector Consultant I have a number of roles at this most stimulating institution, peopled by the brightest and best from throughout the world.


Condor is an insurance start-up founded by Oxford MBA students.  I'm the Non-Exec Chairman.


Swordpoint is a top-end nich communications consultancy and I am helping it establish a mentoring operation.


Radley College, of whose governing Council I'm a member.


Credito y Riesgos is a Spanish insurance intermediary, on whose Advisory Council I sit.


Wallace Watson Award was set up at St Catherine's College, Oxford in 2001 in memory of our son, Wallace


Paillères is the house we restored in Provence and now let out.


Royal Geographical Society, of which I am a Fellow.